Let Your Voice Go Viral!

We are excited to introduce our latest Streams feature: Forward-to-Friend

Now your voice messages can be forwarded by your group members to their friends, colleagues, relatives and well wishers!

You will see a new feature in your Streams Group settings : “Allow Forwarding.” Check the box  to enable the feature in your Stream. Once you do this, every broadcast your group members will feature a new option.

Send a message to your group members. Your group members will receive your message along with a prompt asking them to “press 4 to forward this message to others.” Any group member can then press 4 and enter up to five 10-digit numbers of the contacts they want to forward your message to.

Listeners can also call in to your Streams number, listen to any message and press 4 to forward it to others.

This feature makes it very simple for people who are subscribed to your Streams or call in to share your messages with others. So what are you waiting for? Put your music, poems, jokes, and stories onto a Stream today, and let them go viral!

  • Posted on August 13, 2013

  • Posted on August 13, 2013