The Awaaz.De Team is excited to announce the launch of our new product, Awaaz.De Streams. Over the past 2+ years, we have served a variety of organizations in a variety of ways. Through that experience we’ve learned what the most compelling and common ways Awaaz.De adds value. Streams distill that learning into a ready-to-use, out-of-the-box product. It is centered around Awaaz.De’s voice message broadcast functionality. With Streams, you create a stream or voice message group, which is accessible over a unique, dedicated phone number. You then add members to join your stream, and they get a welcome SMS with a reminder that they can unsubscribe at any time by calling the dedicated number and pressing 9
. You then a post voice message on the fly via phone by calling the Stream’s dedicated phone number, or web upload. Next, each of your group members automatically gets a phone call to listen to the message. In case they miss the call or their phone is off, they can call the Stream’s dedicated number back and listen; an SMS notification follows each broadcast phone call. Non-members can request to join your group by calling the dedicated number and submitting a join request. One way to think of Streams is a Voice Twitter.
Streams allow two-way communication between you and your group members. Members can record voice message responses to the broadcasts, enter touch-tone input, or can call into the dedicated Stream phone number to give their voice.
From the web, Streams allows you to create groups, schedule broadcasts, listen to community member responses, manage group membership, upload a custom greeting message, and more.
Setting up a Stream is absolutely free, and it takes seconds. After setup, you can choose to have a pay-per-usage or free Stream. To learn more, sign up here and we’ll get back to you with the details.
We launched Streams internally two weeks ago, and have been excited about the early usage. Neetaben, an Anganwadi (pre-school) program coordinator at Manav Sadnha was our first user. Neetaben struggles to communicate with her 80 Anganwadi workers, who work in different slums across Ahmedabad, mostly have no email addresses, speak Gujarati, and have trouble with SMS. Neetaben would have to dispatch written telegrams hand-delivered to coordinate and communicate with them about news, events, trainings, and meetings. She was happy and excited to use Streams to make it much easier to communicate. Besides Neetaben, a wide ranging group of early users are adopting Streams: college students, a poet, a temple, a sports team, farmers, and a women’s empowerment group.
We have designed Streams to be useful and accessible to the full spectrum of Indian society. Its power lies in its simplicity and its ability to allow groups to communicate in their local languages, with the expressivity of human speech. We are excited to see what unfolds.
If you are interested in joining our limited release, signup here!