Farmer responds to answer from Avaaj Otalo

Yesterday, a farmer responded to the answer he received from DSC’s Avaaj Otalo service; an example of the kind of back-and-forth dialogue that Awaaz.De intends to facilitate. See the translated quote below (translation by our own Tapan Parikh). We love hearing this!

Big ups to Avaaj Otalo. I will be forever in your debt for the knowledgeable response you gave to my question, and Shankarbhai (the expert), the service you are providing here I pray to God that you keep offering just like it is. Farmers will learn so much if an ordinary person is able to ask a question and you remember it and send me a message while I am sitting at my house. In the seven years I have been farming this is the first and only time that I have received satisfactory information is from you. So big ups to you, and also if I want to sow something now, Ive got a little extra water, so what should I sow that would be best suited for me?
What’s striking about this message is that the farmer spends the first 30 seconds of the recording praising the system, and the next bit asking a serious agricultural question! It’s a great illustration of the potential for Awaaz.De as both a source for human connection and the building up of social capital; and a source of high-quality information and built-up knowledge capital.
You can hear the audio (in Gujarati) here:


  • Posted on April 7, 2011

  • Posted on April 7, 2011